Saturday, May 23, 2009

A New Blog

This is the beginning of a new blog for me -with words.
In February of this year, I started a photoblog @
This has been where I've posted photos of places we have visited this year and last. We love visiting waterfalls in the mountains of NC, GA, SC, and VA.

This has been very fulfilling to me to be able to share part of myself on the web. Now, as I am getting to know several other bloggers, I would also like to share thoughts. Please be patient as I figure out how to use the set-ups on blogspot.


Beverly Ash Gilbert said...

Congratulations on your new blog! What a wonderful waterfall!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Welcome! Serenity is the word that comes to mind when I view the waterfall. I look forward to following you!