Until recently, a whole day of watching it rain would send me into a deep state of misery or depression. I would run through the house and open every window blind to try to get more light to come into the house, in vain, of course.
Luckily, we have not had any flooding where we live, but I do cross a river everyday to go to the city. It looks like a red raging river of liguid clay.
The flowers are really loving it, though!! It has been the greenist year I can remember.
I must admit I do find days and days of rain a bit gloomy but that's because we really do have an excess of them here. But I LOVE stormy, rainy nights after a warm day! Nothing beats that smell of rain on hot earth... And everything feels washed clean afterwards - lovely!
And how beautiful your flowers are looking for it. Stargazer lilies are some of my favourites - they smell so spicy and delicious. And who cannot love a hydrangea?
Love the colors in the garden. And all this because of the rain. If it falls down at night notting to worry, you can enjoy the sun during the daytime.
Hope that river stays in it's banks.
For me, rainy days signal a desire to retire inside, to the depths of my core and contemplate. Too many gray days can deplete the spirit, just as too many sunny days dry out the soul. I suspect we are given exactly what we need at the time we need it. We may not understand the timing, but when we are receptive, we thrive.
stormy nights are good for snuggling in bed with a good book. not so much of a fan of stormy days.
Your blog header is so amazing. Did you take that image? Wow! Thanks so much for dropping by my blog. It's so nice to "meet" you.
I agree. We've had lots of rain and cloudy, cold days, which is very unusual for this time of year around here. We SHOULD be having hot sunny days with the occasional thunderstorm, but not endless gloomy rains :(
Beautiful pix, though!
What beautiful greenery the rain has made for you! I get a little down with too much cold or gray weather, I need a little sun shine to peek through at least once a day. But I love rain and all the green it brings, and especially falling asleep to the beautiful sound.
Oh, your hydrangeas are already in bloom - one of my favorites, beautiful for so many seasons in and outside.
I like rain, as long as it doesn't get carried away. Luckily I live in an area where steady rain for more than a few hours is extremely rare.
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